about me
stuff here......

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

yessh!! i totally love this day. you see.. today was test free., so no worries for me. (whew) free from anything... haha cool for me. now im having a free time but still needs to study for tommorrow's test. haha who cares? haha joke. i think il study later... before i finish this there's one more thing, i cant believe what i saw awhileago,, it was like ewww... flirting with a guy? shame on them. arggghh so ewww, gosh cant say anything but ewww... jdkjaskdjkajdkjdsdaddjsakjsjkdjakpa uhm,,, really ewwwwww!!! hahaha!! now signing off. tahtah.

~me~ at 6:23 AM

Saturday, September 19, 2009

i wish i could say it to you before. but now its too late. if only i could turn the time back and told you this, hoping that you care. how i really wished i told it sooner before. and just knowing that you really didn't liked me and just used me as a substitute. no anger struck in my heart. i dont know why.. thinking about it clearly is that i really did loved you. and still no regrets from loving you, until now. im really sorry...

~me~ at 11:47 PM

so right:(

~me~ at 11:34 PM

Friday, September 18, 2009

im so EMO this week... haha why kaya? hahaha!!! EMO-week:))

~me~ at 7:03 AM

always ask these questions.
why stay when you know you can go and do anything you want?!
why try when you know nothing's gonna happen?!
why do you need to ask him when you know he doesn't care anymore?!
why still trust him when you know everything was a lie?!
why still love him when you know he didn't loved you?!

This is so true! why is it always have to be like this?
why is it just so hard to forget someone who is already part of your life
and just left you?!
why?! why..?! why....??!!!!:( :( :(

~me~ at 6:42 AM

Monday, September 7, 2009

is the patience to wait for the right moment...
and the courage to accept that you've waited for nothing...
:( :( :(

This is a fact.

~me~ at 5:59 AM

Saturday, September 5, 2009

is this another feeling that will debilitate me, again?... should i hate myself now or what? im trying to forget all the things that had happen. i know that its just an emotion that's taking place right now, but why does it exigence me to remember all these things in the past? what a crap! life is just so unpredictable and unfair!

~me~ at 6:00 AM

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